Friday, January 27, 2012

French to English Translation?

I'm reading Lolita and there's a lot of French in it. I've been able to find a good translation site but there's one line I'm having trouble with deciphering. When Humbert finishes with Monique the hooker, she says, "Je vais m'acheter des bas!" I apoloqize in advance if the translation is vulgar but it will help me understand the story better if I can make out the dialogue. Any ideas?French to English Translation?
"I'm going to buy myself some stockings."

Normally I would say Don't even think of using googletranslate, but actually this is one context where it could work, as generally you don't need an exact and accurate translation, you just need a rough idea. Googletranslate can sometimes manage that much!
Just type in google translate into google search bar.

This phrase say I'll buy me down!French to English Translation?
"bas" can mean more than one thing, but the translation is possibly "I'm going to buy myself stockings."French to English Translation?
Use Google translator.

Lolita lol

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