Friday, January 27, 2012

French to english translation: Je vais avoir une gaufre?

No Lisa, you've been confused by answers to your previous question .

A waffle is une gaufre, and we don't say " I'll have" but "I'll eat" in this situation .

" Je vais manger une gaufre" , " I'm going to have a waffle" .

The confusion comes from that : in French slang, une gaufre can be a slap, a punch, and that's what the first answerer to your previous question has thought .French to english translation: Je vais avoir une gaufre?
Philippe is right. Another option if you're ordering in a restaurant for instance is to use the verb "prendre" (to take): "Je vais prendre/Je prendrai une gauffre".

I noticed none of your questions include a "please" or "thank you" by the way. Hopefully this is merely an oversight which you're about to correct?

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