Friday, January 27, 2012

English_french translation plz help for 10 points?

translate from english to french


wouldEnglish_french translation plz help for 10 points?
want= je veux, tu veux, nous voulons, vous voulez, ils veulent

would= the conditional. It is followed then by a verb in English. In French it is the base of the infinitive + ais, ais, ait, ions, iez, aient, which are the endings of the imperfect.

would also could denote the repetition in which case in Fr. we say: either the imperfect alone, or : j'avais l'habitude de + infinitive of the verb in question OR: j'avais coutume de + verb in question in the infinitive.

J'avais l'habitude de marcher dans le parc tous les matins.

Je voudrais du pain, s'il vous pla卯t. Nous voudrions un peu d'eau.

To say I wish: Je d茅sire.
what is the context?

want is je veux the infinitive is voire

would is more of a subjunctive case thing...there isn't a word to word from English to French..can you give the whole sentence?English_french translation plz help for 10 points?
want - vouloir

would is imparfait. so you need to figure out what the verb is. what would he/she/they/you be doing. then write the imparfait of that.English_french translation plz help for 10 points?
hey, heres a site where you can transver any word from any language to any other language!

hope it helps!鈥?/a>

WOULD = No translation as it depends on the verb you're using after it.

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