Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Some english - french translation please?

ok... there's this french guy who keeps torturing one of my best friends... he walks after her, teases her, talking something in french... pushing her to kiss him, making some sexual gestures... and generally being an asshole... that guy obviously doesn't speak italian or english, i think he's just a tourist... so can you tell me how do i say "leave her alone or you'll be in a serious trouble!" or "leave her alone or i'll kick your ***!"... something like that in french? with pronunciation please...Some english - french translation please?
Laissez-la tranquille ou je vais amputer ta bite!

(lay-ZSAY la trawn-KILL ooh jay vayz ahmpu-TAY ta beet)

Just be sure to grab your crotch on the "ta bite" part. That should send him a strong message.Some english - french translation please?
Je veux que nous nous couchons ce soir.

JAH VOO KAH NOO NOO KOO-SHONS SAH SWAR.Some english - french translation please?
This is not a language problem. Call the police.
  • bella cosmetics
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